funded by our purchases on amazon apparently up to space while, you know, as motherboard reported this week, there was a woman last year who worked at an amazon factory and asked for lighter duty when she was pregnant, was not given that because of the demands of the job and miscarried. also over the last few years amazon has consistently down-played or flat out lied about the fact that workers have to pee in bottles to get through shifts. they say it s not happening. it s absolutely happening. it s something workers continually talk about. so this guy went to space, which is cool. and we have a tremendous gap between people who can do that, people who need to work two or three jobs just to get by to put food on the table here. i think there probably was a more tactful way of doing it. however, quickly this is the thing on tv because it looks cool. look how cool it looks. that s amazing. but we re not talking about the people that are really, like, trod upon in society from these busin
how we balance these concerns about wealth inequality and the billionaire elite with the benefits of space exploration, and for some people the flat out cool factor of inventing new ways to go to space? our panel is back. standup comedian actress helen hong, also director and producer, nbc s ben collins, kavitha davidson, sports culture writer at the athletic. ben, i wonder if we re getting caught up in the weeds of some of this just because jeff bezos and elon musk are so controversial slash likable to some people as opposed to the benefits of being able to explore space in new ways including with reusable rockets that will just cost less to fly? yeah, i m sure there are benefits. but, you know, at the end of the day these are some of the richest and most bombastic people on social media and in our lives. and, you know, they took a trip
officials including dr. fauci who was on with neil cavuto of fauk news and he was among the officials who have made it just about as plain as can possibly be said. listen. if you don t get the overwhelming proportion of the population vaccinated, you will have the continual circulation and replication of the virus in the community. there are enough unvaccinated people that this could go on for a considerable period of time. there will be hospitalizations. there will be deaths, and every death and every hospitalization particularly every death is a tragic, avoidable phenomenon. kavitha, before we pause i think that s kind of nail on the head is that you don t have to get sick from this, you don t have to die from this.
yeah, i think what you said, by the way, about the nfl is great. i know this is kind of a stupid thought but here we are talking about people just, you know, people trying to prove how strong they are not getting the vaccine so i think we re already in the stupid thought territory. i think at some point here changing the narrative to be about the muscle youtubers you were just talking about being like i m so strong, i got the vaccine. that s where this needs to head because right now that s the he constituency. i think what kavitha was saying about fox news realizing this is bad for business, i don t think it s necessarily i think it s dead on. i think basically there was a constituency over the last year that has been guzzling youtube juice, and that constituency had one cable news network to follow. fox news was catering to people stuck inside, and the only network well, kavitha, also we heard from a number of administration
give you a flight. helen, you would go. ben, kavitha? after all the things i ve said about jeff bezos, no, i will not go. ben collins, kavitha davidson, helen hong, you three too much fun. i appreciate you being here. thanks very much. the rest of you please stick around because i ve got a few more thoughts on space tourism, so-called space tourism. coming up at the end of the hour. up next the cuban people are at a breaking point. will anti-government protests bring the change they re after? we did it again. verizon has been named america s most reliable network by rootmetrics. and our customers rated us #1 for network quality in america according to j.d. power. number one in reliability, 16 times in a row. most awarded for network quality, 27 times in a row. proving once again that nobody builds networks like verizon. that s why we re building 5g right, that s why there s only one best network.