The perennial water scarcity issue in Tamil Nadu can be resolved only if the politicians have the will to do so. But does it suit their interests?
Marudveidhe maanya jala pravahe
Kaverakanye namataam sharanye
Maanye vidhe mani suputri soumye
Kaaveri Kaaveri mama prasiida “
(Your copious flow
In the affidavit, the Karnataka government said that it is not possible to release the amount of water that Tamil Nadu government mentioned in the application. | Bengaluru News
The DMK’s ire against Governor RN Ravi is a facade and an attempt to divert the attention of the state’s people from real issues
Suicides are nothing new in Tamil Nadu as the people in the State have a propensity to commit suicides at the fall of a hat. Crop failure and the resultant debt trap