The future of the Outlet Mall was left unclear Thursday after an attorney for Osage Beach Marketplace, LLC, notified the City of Osage Beach that the developers were terminating the
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3 hours ago CVS Pharmacy, Inc. (CVS) was sued by Applied Biokinetics, LLC, (ABK) a limited liability company based in Texas over allegations that CVS infringed on existing patents when creating their kinesiology tape. Specifically, ABK explained that CVS has “transacted business in this District and has committed acts of direct and indirect infringement in this District by, among other things, importing, offering to sell, and selling products that infringe ABK’s patents.”
ABK’s founder, Don Bushby, initially developed a product whose aim was to “treat pain, provide direct anatomical support, and protect fascia from damaging stress, thus allowing tissue healing and rapid pain recovery that was inexpensive, fast-acting and easy to apply at home. The product became known as FasciaDerm, which was a type of tape that could be applied to the feet to alleviate pain. Following the introduction of FasciaDerm to the United States markets, multiple exemplary