February 07, 2021 KATINGAL-AN Elementary School in San Carlos City, with more than 250 students, was shortlisted as one of the top 12 schools with sustainable environmental programs in the 2020 Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (Seameo)-Japan ESD Award on January 30, 2021.
The said contest was participated by 181 schools or institutions in eight Southeast Asian countries. The 2020 search carried the theme, “Addressing Plastic Problems for Transforming Communities.”
Engineer Arthur A. Batomalaque, Integrated Waste Management/Pollution Control Division head of the City Environment Management Office (CEMO), is grateful that the city has produced another international awardee.
He said it is a big recognition not only to the city but also to their office, which has been putting efforts in conducting contests from schools recyclable drives to environmentally sustainable schools.