The Roots Against Erosion project is planned for Hamilton s newest park, Skalkaho Bend. As part of their studies of the Bitterroot River, the Bitter Root Water Forum has been looking at images from the last quarter century. They noticed that at Skalkaho Bend the river has been moving eastward about five feet every year.
To hold onto that land and stabilize the stream bank, the organization has planned an ambitious planting of trees and bushes (willows, serviceberries, aspen and cottonwood) along the bend to hold the bank together. The plantings will be in a shallow depression and will be fenced for their first five years of growth. As part of the project, the water forum has been having volunteer days where people are collecting willow shoots from around the Bitterroot Valley. Katie Vennie of the forum told us that the next collection is Wednesday, February 17. (The February 13 collection was cancelled due to the cold weather.) Another collection day is being scheduled at the end