Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
What started out as an ego driven campaign is now developing into full blown Trumism as Leo Molloy thrashes around attempting to court attention in the belief, Trump like, that it will convert into political support.
RNZ's "The Detail" asked are New Zealand's sanctions against Russia working? They aren't, but one detail we learnt that MFAT has 100 staff members assigned to sorting out their complications!! What a waste.
By Katie Scotcher & Anneke Smith of RNZ
Victim Support has finally given the Ministry of Justice a full copy of a report into allegations of bullying a
By Katie Scotcher of RNZ
New Zealand has joined an alliance of Indo-Pacific nations aimed at countering China's influence in the region.
More than a dozen