The moon landing on july 20th 1969 fulfilled a dream of humankind the pictures went around the world or. People. Its become film history and part of pop culture. Was. The moon and other celestial bodies have always captured the imagination why does outer space fascinate us so and what is it about the moon landing that continues to hold our attention a cosmic trip through arts film and music. Its. A small step a giant for the. It was the 1st time a human had set foot on the moon. Mankind had left a footprint in space. These images are reflected in our collective memory. It was far more than a scientific expedition it was the fulfillment of an age old dream of mankind an exhibition project examines the way artists have approached it high heels on the moon sue me for these pointed reference to the under representation of women in space flight this installation carries a touch of the poet earths moon earth in 2007 scottish artist katie benner isnt transmitted beethovens moonlight sonata in
The moon landing on july 20th 1969 fulfill the dream of humankind the pictures went around the world. Its become film history and part of pop culture. The moon and other celestial bodies have always captured the imagination why does outer space fascinate us so shy and what is it about the moon landing that continues to hold our attention a cosmic trip through arts film can be a sick. Its. A small step a giant of the. It was the 1st time a human had set foot on the moon. Mankind had left a footprint in space. These images are reflected in our collective memory. It was far more than a scientific expedition it was the fulfillment of an age old dream of mankind an exhibition project examines the way artists have approached it high heels on the moon still refer at least pointed reference to the underrepresentation of women in space flight this installation carries a touch of the poet earths moon earth in 2007 scottish artist katie benner isnt transmitted beethovens moonlight sonata in morse
From cameroon as he came to france in 2006 he now lives in bordeaux massy regularly comes across reminders of the countrys colonial past and its slave trite the music where this museum is today they used to be a place where they would encourage people to colonize other countries this is where they promoted colonise ation border was the trade center where they developed a lot of things just to trade not just the slave trade but also during the exploitation of populations during colonialism. Bassy takes on the colonial period and its consequences in his new album. Its dedicated to the memory of one of bassis political heroes the largely unknown anti colonial leader written on my o. B. Who was murdered by the French Military in 1958. Pics album tells the story of the Freedom Fighter a man he used words instead of weapons and of the colonial leaders who killed him. Bessie uses haunting gentle sounds to tell the story of only of his death and ruin his work reminds us that the effects of the
Its become film history and part of pop culture. The moon and other celestial bodies have always captured the imagination why does outer space fascinate us out and what is it about the moon landing that continues to hold our attention a cosmic trip through arts film and music. Its amazing. A small step a giant leap. It was the 1st time a human had stepped foot on the moon. Mankind had left. The footprint in space. These images are reflected in our collective memory. It was far more than a scientific expedition it was the fulfillment of an age old dream of mankind an exhibition project examines the way artists 7 approached it high heels on the moon silly for at least pointed reference to the underrepresentation of women in space flight this installation carries a touch of the poet earths moon earth in 2007 scottish artist katie benner isnt transmitted beethovens moonlight sonata in morse code to the moon which bounced it back to the earth in runtime of the we here a piece thats been on
Not because they are easy but because they are. The moon landing on july 20th 1969 fulfilled the dream of humankind the pictures went around the world or. Its become film history and part of pop culture. Was. The moon and other celestial bodies have always captured the imagination why does outer space fascinate us out and why. Is it about the moon landing that continues to hold our attention a cosmic trip through our film can be a sick. This is just. A small step. A giant leap. It was the 1st time a human had set foot on the moon. Mankind had left a footprint in space. These images are reflected in our collective memory. It was far more than a scientific expedition it was the fulfillment of an age old dream of mankind an exhibition project examines the way artists 7 approached it high heels on the moon sumi for at least pointed reference to the under representation of women in space flight this installation carries a touch of the poet earths moon earth in 2007 scottish artist katie ben