The postcard, which was giant-sized and had pictures of the boys playing tonsil tennis with the new girls alongside the cheeky caption Wish you were here , had the girls as shocked and exclaiming Oh my Godddd! as you d expect.
Kaz in particular took it the hardest, getting upset that Tyler was cuddling up with another woman. Lillie seemed quite relieved that Liam hadn t acted as badly, completely unaware of his three-way kiss.
In fact, viewers took umbrage with the producers decision to use the pictures they did (or, rather, didn t), accusing them of being too heavy-handed in how they re manipulating the situation for drama.
This Mother’s Day, IndyStar is celebrating motherhood in all its forms.
Holly V. Hays, Indianapolis Star
1:55 pm UTC May. 6, 2021
What does motherhood look like?
Motherhood can be raising children you’ve birthed and those you haven’t.
Motherhood can be crossing borders in search of a better life for your children.
Motherhood can be joyful and messy, challenging and heartbreaking.
There is no cookie-cutter definition or experience of being a mom.
For this year’s Mother’s Day, IndyStar is celebrating motherhood in all its forms, featuring the stories of local women who shared their journeys with us and showed how being a mom has changed their lives forever.