Mahjongg is played year round, every Thursday from 1-4 p.m. On Oct. 5, the top scorers were Kathy Richardson with 75 points, Clem Moors with 100 and Carolyn Cro
Parents, siblings, grandparents and other family members of Westminster College students are invited to spend a day on campus during the College’s annual Family Day event Sept. 9.
Parents, siblings, grandparents and other family members of Westminster College students are invited to spend a day on campus during the College’s annual Family Day event on Saturday, Sept. 9.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: After many years of making do with an absence of an official local burial ground, some citizens of Homer, in 1928, created a community cemetery. The day after the site was selected, the cemetery’s first occupant—Karl Albertson, the victim of a hunting accident—was brought home for interment.