Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
A couple takes a selfie in front of an ice sculpture in Ligonier during the annual Ice Fest on Saturday, Jan 23, 2021.
Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
Ernie Alwine steers his two percheron horses, Jen and Rhonda, around the center of Ligonier during at the annual Ice Fest on Saturday, Jan 23, 2021.
Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
A motorcycle carved in ice was a popular sculpture on display at the annual Ice Fest in Ligonier on Saturday, Jan 23, 2021.
Louis B. Ruediger | Tribune-Review
Main Street Ligonier was full of people who braved frigid temperatures Saturday to admire ice sculptures crafted for display at the annual Ice Fest.