The latest Economist/YouGov poll reveals that Americans generally have positive views of the value a third major party would add to the U.S. political system. Nearly half of Americans say they'd be willing to vote for a third party or independent candidate, though only around one-third report having done so in the past.
Early polling on the abortion issue in the United States shows subtle attitude shifts among the public and tells us about whether it has any potential to shape the midterm elections in November.
On the regular, the DNC has been sending out messages trying to hit America over the head about how well President Joe Biden is performing on the economy. And yet
Watch your step, now. Look out for flying debris. The "Kamikaze Democrats" are here. This handy little description was coined by The Wall Street Journal editorial board Tuesday to describe Democratic lawmakers who must now face the daunting reality of the multitrillion dollar tax, climate and entitlement spending bill, which passed in the U.S. House five days ago.