GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) - People all over the country continue to protest the possible end of Roe v. Wade, including here in northeast Wisconsin. Do.
Paul Cain: Milfoil removal at Thompson Lake has been a great success
Milfoil is a densely growing plant that crowds out native plant species and adversely affects the aesthetic and recreational aspects of a lake. In Thompson Lake, most of the milfoil has been removed.
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The Thompson Lake Environmental Association acquired a secondhand pontoon boat coined the “Hippobottomus” as part of its plan to remove milfoil from the lake. Over a five-year period, Alex Bernardy of Otisfield led a three-man removal crew, spending much of their time between ice-out and Labor Day constructing benthic barriers, transporting them, and anchoring them to the lake bottom.