Researchers have confirmed that a giant tortoise found on Fernandina Island in the Galapagos archipelago is one of a species that was thought to have gone extinct last century.
Celebrate Earth Day by taking part in a Bay Area citizen science project
Look for animals and plants at the beach or at a park or just in your backyard and then photograph and upload your observations as part of a global “bio-blitz” called City Nature Challenge April 30 to May 3.Courtesy Maritime AquariumShow MoreShow Less
Volunteers for Hawkwatch identify raptors, like this red-tailed hawk (center).Sophia Germer / The Chronicle 2015Show MoreShow Less
Taking part in a citizen science project is a way to celebrate Earth Day while learning something new about the local environment. It has the added bonus of helping to alleviate feelings of anxiety about climate change and it’s a good pandemic-era project for families doing distance learning or anyone spending more time outdoors.