EDITOR’S NOTES: Oh, what a year!
Wicked Local
Friday the 13th of March, 2020, was the last day, for most of us, that we worked in the newsroom. The company directed us to work remotely for a couple of weeks so we could all get a better grasp on this coronavirus pandemic and do our immediate part to help prevent the virus’s spread. It was so new still, with so much unknown. Little did we know or even think to imagine that now, a year later, we’d still be remote.
Not only did we start working remotely that next week, we also moved our Plymouth newsroom to a new location, at 10 Cordage Park Circle, Suite 240, in North Plymouth. We were downsizing to a great space at Cordage from our location for the previous several years on Standish Avenue. And we were getting all new workstations, how cool! Well, the movers moved all of our stuff – and there it sits, waiting to be unpacked. Our computer network and phones were set up by our IT people, but we couldn’t get back in there to