Theres new hope for thousands of rape victims whos evidence kits have for thousands of rape victims whos evidence kits have sat untested while theyre attacker remains free. Governor rick scott says hell sign a new bill that will prevent similar backlogs from happening again. 10 News Reporter Isabel Mascarenas explains how it will help rape victims heal. 13thousand rape kits holding valuable evidence untested. Leaving many florida cases 15hundred are from the bay area. Is a national epidemic. We know we had to do something cant put a price on public safety. A new bill waiting the governors signature will keep this back log from sot. 1 22 25 what it does is it insures timely testing of evidence collection kits. It also gives victims a voice. The bill requires local Law Enforcement to submit Sexual Assault evidence kits within 30 days. The state has 120 days to process. Sot. 1 28 57 we hold the evidence for a year. That extra time says kathleen kempe, director of Sexual Assault services f