Town officials on Tuesday approved a $92,050 contract with a Ridgefield-based company to do work on a pair of small roofs in a walled garden at Waveny. The Board of Selectmen during its regular meeting voted 3-0 in favor of the contract with Alden Bailey. That company will remove existing tiles on the roofs, use […]
Calling it a “strategic” property for the town, the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday voted unanimously in favor of an agreement to purchase a .15-acre property downtown for about $1 million. Municipal bodies including the Board of Finance and Town Council also must sign off of the town’s acquisition of 28 Grove St. As reported […]
The Board of Selectmen at its most recent meeting approved a $26,750 contract with a Bridgeport-based company to replace the fuel dispensing pumps that serve town vehicles. The Department of Public Works had been looking to budget for the replacement in the next fiscal year, but the pumps are failing now, officials said. “We’ve had […]
New Canaan owes a debt of gratitude to Selectmen Kathleen Corbet and Nick Williams for showing real leadership in recent months. What may be mischaracterized by some as political infighting a series of 2-1 votes with First Selectman Kevin Moynihan in the minority is, in fact, a sign that our local government is functioning as designed. Though […]
In another break with First Selectman Kevin Moynihan, Selectmen Kathleen Corbet and Nick Williams last week voted 2-1 in favor of a new policy that sets out the role of their elected body with respect to the hiring of all town employees. Drawn up by Corbet after working with municipal staff members and consulting with […]