While looking for a new hobby a few years ago, Russian designer Katerina Lamteva, or Kate, came upon embroidery and fell in love with the art instantly.
Update: April, 22/2021 - 08:33 | Minh Nguyễn While looking for a new hobby a few years ago, Russian designer Katerina Lamteva, or Kate, came upon embroidery and fell in love with the art instantly. She decided to organise a weekend embroidery workshop to share her knowledge and connect people through embroidery. Her class runs from 10am to 1pm on Saturdays at Craft Box Hanoi in Tây Hồ District. It is designed for everyone and every level of skill. People came here to learn how to embroidery, improve their creativity and make new friends. SHARING PASSION: Kate enthusiastically instructs her students how to embroider. VNS Photo Nguyễn Minh