secretary hhs to do whatever she wanted to obama because she was secretary of hhs. now the shoe is on the other foot. i done know if they have to replace and replace they can do it from within. also on obamacare, this week the message from the administration and the hill this is go to take so much longer than people expected. i m told they repair part of this will take years to do. republicans are starting to realize, they are going to whole health care system. it s a lot more come any kated. what do you think they are thinking when they see the stickerstick on the wall. one thing we learned, there are back channel discussion
[john] get your taxes won. bill: continuing now with our story with president trump at the white house last friday. stated the talk is making headlines all over the world. here is part two. this is a fascinating story. i just spent the week in california, as you know. they are now voting on whether they should become a sanctuary state. state of california, led by a governor jerry brown is defied you, absolutely defied the president of the united states. california and the usa are on a collision course. how do you see it?ru president trump: i think it s ridiculous. it sanctuary cities. as y i am opposed to sanctuary cities. they breed crime. there s a lot of problems. you did it very well with kated the other people you talk about.
steel. we have to respond. you re quoting an old russian quote right there. in one offior recent they do hit mush as they have, we have to make sure that the bayonets of today have become the bits of cyberspace as you understood kated. as you indicated. is cyber the new front, where we ll be battling this fight going forward? i think we have three areas of confrontation with russia, peter. one is over the ukraine. one is in syria. and the third indeed is in the cyber world where as i said the bayonets have become the bits. but let s shift metaphors. russia is famous for chess players. what we re seeing is a game of chess going back and forth. putin has moved pretty dramatically in holding on to retaliation. it s a very clever tactical
signed and and kated a bill for amnesty, they forgave all that because ronald reagan had been their champion. president reagan understood that we judge or presidents based on what you accomplish, and that and the fact that he was a beautiful human being. those were the secrets to his success. the last day, he just soared of lingered. finally they said, mr. president, it s time. and the photographer came in, the stage was set. he turned away from the desk, went to the door and through. the actor leaving the stage. it s that reagan magic that he had.