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Gavin Newsom and fellow advocates of the California dream have plenty to compare it to these days from blue bastions to red rivals.
In New York, besieged Gov. Andrew Cuomo is indirectly aiding Newsom by depriving him of the title of most endangered blue state governor in America
reporter kate briquelet tried to unravel the story from her office in new york city. angela diaz appeared to be the victim at the center of an increasingly dangerous game. she was afraid for her life. she was afraid to go anywhere. she felt that she had to uproot her whole life, take down her online profiles, and hide. reporter: july 11, two weeks after michelle bailed out of jail. a new rape fantasy ad appeared on craigslist and a response. once again, the email directed the man who placed the ad to the home of angela diaz. reporter: and what would michelle s motivation be in doing this campaign? it s interesting. i mean, there s th fact that there s some sort of a love triangle going on, right? there s two women, one guy. and there s also the unsold condominium. reporter: the condo was still a factor in the story. the bank had not approved ian and angela for a mortgage. so, it was time to sell, as agreed to. but that wasn t going to happen, according to michelle s fathe
who had recently announced she was pregnant. angela came into the picture not long after ian and michelle had actually broken up. reporter: reporter kate briquelet covered this story for the daily beast. she spent hours digging through the curious emails michelle sent ian during the condo dispute. one minute she s very polite and thanking him for reminders on her car insurance. the next minute, you know, she s saying that he s satan and the anti-christ. reporter: even after they signed the agreement on the condo, the emails kept coming. ian got this one on may 22. you told me i was your first love, but you did not treat me like the precious, perfect treasure i am. you have sinned against god, and i want my power back because it belongs to us, the daughters of god. then, something new and strange started happening. angela began receiving emails, too. long, rambling emails saying that, you know, her husband ian
and she said, you re gonna get hurt in here because you look weak when you walk. you need to become scarface, huh? yeah, yeah, yeah. reporter: of course, to the outside world, she already was scarface. kate briquelet of the daily beast reported on the case. these were incredibly serious charges that michelle was facing, felony charges that included attempted forcible rape. reporter: meanwhile, michelle s parents were in crisis mode looking for an attorney. you don t have criminal defense attorneys on your speed dial, i m guessing. correct, we do not. reporter: mike and suzanne wanted the right lawyer to deal with a cyber crime. they also wanted to start working on michelle s defense right away. their daughter was in trouble, so they started their own investigation. was it clear to you, mike, that if you re gonna claw your way out of this thing, you ve gotta understand the story told by the computers? correct. the forensics of this case. absolutely. so you
and had actually tried to rape her. reporter: police officers responded to angela s 9-1-1 call. reporter: what do they encounter? they encounter a very distraught angela diaz who says that another person has shown up, and and reporter: and she s got abrasions, look here, right? correct, on her neck. and her shirt is torn. reporter: this is way beyond internet misdemeanor mischief, this is a criminal act in your city oh, mo most definitely a criminal act. reporter: who was inviting men to rape angela? police believed there was no question it was michelle hadley. that s what led them to arrest michelle outside her parents home. angela reported that during the night michelle spent in jail. she received no threatening emails. but then michelle made bail. she was out. and almost immediately the emails start again. reporter: so is there kind of a feel here, look, we warned you about this activity. correct. reporter: and it s continuing. correct. repor