obviously not one of his political advisors but what i would have said is don t go after the guy. don t go after him and say these are gotcha questions. he should have played the same card and said how am i supposed to know who these people are, differentiate these leaders, and try to do the same exact thing that he did with the debate. pre-debate. it s not necessarily the specifics but the overarching concept of what he brings to the issue as a candidate. all right. kate bonner, the original apprentice and co-author of trump, the art of the comeback, always a pleasure to have you. don t forget, you can watch the next republican presidential debate right here on cnn coming up on wednesday, september 16th at the reagan library in california. next up, a fascinating legal case. a young man commits suicide and prosecutors say his 17-year-old girlfriend talked him into it.
new york, the customer was getting more and more frustrated. there were taxi companies accused of hiding behind regulations. so uber comes in and they say, you don t have to live this way anymore. we re going to take you seriously and give you a break. there s a way in which trump people don t talk that much about what an amazing entrepreneur he is. and despite what other people say, he s very cunning and methodical. there s a lot of strategy that goes into this. and trump is basically bursting on the stage and saying, this political process is broken and you don t have to live this way anymore. interesting comparison. and then just the question is how long does it last and does he keep topping the polls? weill see. kate, thanks so much. to a story we have been following here all day. flights if you re sitting in the airport in d.c., you re having a hard time. flights slowly, finally
let s talk about her with kate bonner who co-authored a book with donald trump. are you surprised we haven t heard more from melania front and center on this campaign, given how much we hear from donald trump? it s interesting, i just learned more in the story you just ran about melania trump than i knew any of those bits before. and hear i thought the whole time she was keeping a very low profile. but she has done a number of things and has proven herself to be a businesswoman. i didn t know that. maybe play that up you know donald trump. you wrote a book with him. do you think the strategy down the road is have her become a bigger part, a bigger role in this campaign publicly or do we hear more from his children, who we know are already advising him? we know the bombastic trump, he brings this inner power and messages that out.
okay thank you very much both of you. let s bring in journalist kate bonner. kate co-authored donald trump s book trump, the art of the comeback. so with a welcome to you, what do you make of trump s remarks? are you surprised by them? are they at all out of character from what you know? hi alex thanks for having me on the show. i, of course watched the debates with great interest on thursday night and also the sort of afterdebate on the talk shows shows. i want to be very clear i am not on trump s inner circle advising him on content today and what he espouses on the air. i wrote a book with him 15 years ago when it was a very different time. he was responding to the real estate crash between 2000 257bd0003 and we were writing a book about his comeback. i will say that it seems as though he s making another definitely another very different kind of comeback today. but as for commenting directly on what he said last night, i mean, i don t know.
criticized two women and one of those comments he made cost him an appearance at this weekend s conservative gathering. he criticized megyn kelly, fox news anchor and moderator of the debate on thursday night, calling her a lightweight, retweeting a tweet that called her a bimbo. also he criticized fellow republican hopeful carly fiorina, brushing her off as a failed former senate candidate who is in his words, not going to win. back with me, kate bonner, who co-authored a 1997 book with donald trump and also with me, cnn political commentator, hilary rosen. thank you for being here. gloria borger wrote this fascinating piece on cnn.com this week and she talked about this and the comments about women in saying it s not that it s a premeditated war on women as the democratic party apparatus likes to dub it. it s more of a head scratching did you just say that process of flubs that slowly seeps into the ether. do you agree with that assessment? i think it s right. in fact, the gop has