With a bit of free advertising help from Facebook and Airbnb, the family has turned grandma's, or "babcia's" house, into a way station of sorts for Ukrainian refugees on their way toward more permanent destinations in western Europe.
With a bit of free advertising help from Facebook and Airbnb, the family has turned grandma's, or "babcia's" house, into a way station of sorts for Ukrainian refugees on their way toward more permanent destinations in western Europe.
With a bit of free advertising help from Facebook and Airbnb, the family has turned grandma's, or "babcia's" house, into a way station of sorts for Ukrainian refugees on their way toward more permanent destinations in western Europe.
With a bit of free advertising help from Facebook and Airbnb, the family has turned grandma's, or "babcia's" house, into a way station of sorts for Ukrainian refugees on their way toward more permanent destinations in western Europe.
With a bit of free advertising help from Facebook and Airbnb, the family has turned grandma's, or "babcia's" house, into a way station of sorts for Ukrainian refugees on their way toward more permanent destinations in western Europe.