wrong. we need to talk about the restrictions on liberty. we watch him bumbling around th stage and there s nothing funny about it. it makes you think that he is a harmless figure. it be one thing if he was just doing nothing in the world was getting worse, but he s actuall doing things. he s forcing max on children an adults very he s forcing injections on people. he shutting down the economy. he hurt this country so badly. he s doing real harm, but he looks like mister magoo so we forget that he s really country her hurting the country so much. boyce by jim bacchus. while, my entire brain is on fire right now. it s a simulation. everything is assimilation. kat, what is interesting to me and i assume it s interesting t you since you work for me. okay. i ve never seen a leader so
he s corporate and celebrity cronies of china and every john sena apologizing to china for calling taiwan a country. face is everywhere this is a gu that exley stands up to the system so i got to give him a little bit of credit. if you don t make sacrifices fo the goals that we seek into another trick is going to work where they build the great chinese wall that eventually from entering the market. this is a guy willing to make that sacrifice. to get this show is full of heroes, there is me and then there s these other people. kat, how soon before the nba forces this guy to apologize? i don t think he can because by doing this, it s not like there s going to be no consequence, he already knows that. it s not like lebron james is under the impression that china is good. he just knows that doing what h does and saying what he says is good for his own bottom line.
wrong. we need to talk about the restrictions on liberty. we watch him bumbling around th stage and there s nothing funny about it. it makes you think that he is a harmless figure. it be one thing if he was just doing nothing in the world was getting worse, but he s actuall doing things. he s forcing max on children an adults very he s forcing injections on people. he shutting down the economy. he hurt this country so badly. he s doing real harm, but he looks like mister magoo so we forget that he s really country her hurting the country so much. boyce by jim bacchus. while, my entire brain is on fire right now. it s a simulation. everything is assimilation. kat, what is interesting to me and i assume it s interesting t you since you work for me. okay. i ve never seen a leader so
he s corporate and celebrity cronies of china and every john sena apologizing to china for calling taiwan a country. face is everywhere this is a gu that exley stands up to the system so i got to give him a little bit of credit. if you don t make sacrifices fo the goals that we seek into another trick is going to work where they build the great chinese wall that eventually from entering the market. this is a guy willing to make that sacrifice. to get this show is full of heroes, there is me and then there s these other people. kat, how soon before the nba forces this guy to apologize? i don t think he can because by doing this, it s not like there s going to be no consequence, he already knows that. it s not like lebron james is under the impression that china is good. he just knows that doing what h does and saying what he says is good for his own bottom line.
so as america worries joe tells a debunked story about a dead amtrak worker. this guy s memory is so bad he plagiarizing his own lies. as for the supply chain fiasco, we did that story last week. but like the president s memory it s only gotten worse. empty shelves, escalating prices . kat can t even buy here. she is the true victim. still nothing changed right because it doesn t affect the politicians, the rich, the activist class who are responsible for this mess. it affects you measly country bumpkins, and you don t wait. when was last time you were a design address to a gala event. for me it was thursday, but i digress. sure, they dragged buttigieg out