his big break in radio was in 1984 with a prime time slot on new york-based wabc. i m alan colmes wabc talk radio. in 1987, he moved to wnbc inm new york, a short-lived move asm wnbc announced his radio division was closing its doors, alan giving the final sign off on the great wnbc. i m alan colmes, thank you, god bless you, for the last time, this is 66 wnbc. t in 1996, he parlayed his successful radio career into a television career. the economy is doing well, if it ain t broke, you don t have to fix it. teaming up with me to launch hannity and colmes. i m going to wonder if more people agree with me or you as a show goes on. when the show ended, it was by far the number one show and it s time spot on cable news, and consistently one of the top rated shows on cable. as the banter sometimes grew a bit contentious you are lying! alan would always use that
in office. look at her record especially asm york where she really pledge to do help the middle class. people in upstate new york still waiting for. i don t think if she gets elected she is going to be as liberal as obama. she will be exactly as obama. you think so? in foreign policy and, you know, global warming over the he economy? that s what it s all about. you get down and you pull your shirt sleeves up and say i m going to fix the economy by promoting the private marketplace. foreign policy, no, the economy she will be exactly like him. all she cares about herself. her husband only cares about himself. she will keep the progressive policies in place. she will not interrupts anything that obama done. are you progressive or moderate democrat, marianne, by the way what are you? i think i m like hillary clinton and then i like to see things get done. wait, wait, wait. you are like hillary clinton had. you were a moderate in september but now you are a progressive in jan
no. question two, which made state the fourth of july a holiday? was it pennsylvania, new hampshire, massachusetts? i m going to go with my favorite state there, new hampshire. i m going to go with massachusetts because i used to live there. i m going to with my home state of pennsylvania. c is correct. massachusetts. awesome. question three. who was the oldest signer of the declaration of independence? was it c, john adams, b, thomas jefferson, a, benjamin franklin? well, it was ben franklin, of course. you are all right. he was 72 years old. last question. question four, which u.s. presidents have all died on the fourth of july? this is going to be tough. first of all,asm, george washington, thomas jefferson, and andrew hamilton. b, john adams, thomas jefferson, and james monroe.
incentivizes groups like that, asm to ring up more concessions out of the united states whether prisoner releases or anything else. there are serious concerns that can t be waved away like typical political noise. guys, thanks much. this is a fox news alert. the new acting v.a. secretary paying a visit to the hayden medical center in phoenix in about an hour from now. that s the first v.a. hospital accused of covering up long wait times for veterans. it s revealed massive problems with the v.a. health care system. the director of the v.a. medical center in wichita, kansas, confirmed that facility also kept a secret waiting list, containing the names of 385 veterans. here to weigh in, retired sergeant of the u.s. marine corps, jessie jane duff. great to see you. i don t know how much more the
tarantino. give us the cliffs notes. michael, we have to remember there is no legitimate path for a ball player to get off that island and to the major leagues. there is no other nation in the world who a player has to put his life in the hands of a pipeline exploiting the kasm with the u.s. and cube a.puig has financiers in miami who put up $250,000 to get him out of cuba. in return, puig was going to repay them 20% of the future earnings. they did the work. they got him off the island. they brought him to mexico and the breakdown in finances. he found himself captive for 20 odd days. that sounds a little higher brow than the way in which i read it in your fine piece.