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He looked for something entirely different to challenge his mind and energy, and focusing on sustainability and the environment he discovered the world of upcycling.
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After much time spent in research on ways to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions, Leggett discovered a way of upcycling the byproducts of brewing beer and making coffee into nutritious foods and a sustainable cosmetic/skin-care ingredient.
Working on his new dream since 2018, he designed a process, leased two bays in Okotoks where he resides, and last month opened GroundUp Eco-Ventures to manufacture and sell his new line of products.
The new Pier D international terminal expansion of Vancouver International Airport. (Vancouver Airport Authority)
The new Pier D international terminal expansion of Vancouver International Airport. (Vancouver Airport Authority)
The Pier D expansion features eight new additional gates, including four traditional jet bridge gates and four remote stand bus gates.
In addition to the increased capacity, Pier D will provide international passengers with a wide range of retail, restaurants, and amenities.
The new Pier D international terminal expansion of Vancouver International Airport. (Vancouver Airport Authority)
The new Pier D international terminal expansion of Vancouver International Airport. (Vancouver Airport Authority)
The new Pier D international terminal expansion of Vancouver International Airport. (Vancouver Airport Authority)