THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Apr 2: A Hindi book on the backdrop of much discussed blockbuster film by Vivek Agnihotri ‘The Kashmir Files’ will hit the market soon. Talking to UNI, Senior Journalist P Sreekumar, whose Malayalam book on ‘The Kashmir Files was released recently, on Saturday, said its Hindi version will be released soon citing huge response from readers to his Malayalam book and many enquiries were received for publising in other Indian languages also. Except Kerala, no other Indian State was […]
A new book against the backdrop of the much discussed blockbuster film by Vivek Agnihotri "The Kashmir Files" in Malayalam has generated a great response.Titled, Kashmiri Files , the book has been authored by senior journalist .
Written and directed by Vivek Agnihotri and produced by Zee Studios, The Kashmir Files depicts the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from Kashmir following systematic killings of people from the community by Pakistan-backed terrorists. Anupam Kher plays the lead in the film.