The Jammu-Srinagar National Highway continues to remain closed for vehicular traffic for the second day in a row due to landslides on the road stretch between Ramban and Banihal, officials said on Wednesday."Jammu Srinagar NHW is still .
JAMMU, Feb 22: The Jammu-Srinagar National Highway continues to remain closed for vehicular traffic for the second day in a row due to landslides on the road stretch between Ramban and Banihal, officials said on Wednesday. “Jammu Srinagar NHW is still closed. Restoration work is underway. People are advised not to travel on NH-44 till
The Jammu-Srinagar National Highway has been closed for vehicular traffic due to shooting stones at Panthiyal, officials said on Friday."Jammu-Srinagar NHW blocked due to continuous shooting stones at Panthyal," Jammu and Kashmir .
The continuous shooting stones at the Panthyal region of Jammu and Kashmir s Srinagar disrupted the traffic movement at National Highway 44 for the third consecutive day on Friday.