The Hyderabad police on Thursday arrested Karvy Stock Broking Limited Chairman C. Parthasarthy for allegedly defaulting the loan taken from IndusInd Bank.The Central Crime Station (CCS) police made the arrest after registering a case against .
The Hyderabad police on Thursday arrested Karvy Stock Broking Limited Chairman C. Parthasarthy for allegedly defaulting the loan taken from IndusInd Bank.
IIFL Securities bags Karvy s demat accounts, Axis Securities gets trading accounts
On February 6, depositories NSDL and CDSL had said that trading as well as demat accounts held by Karvy will be transferred to another member or participant through a formal bidding process.
BusinessToday.In | February 24, 2021 | Updated 23:27 IST
In November 2020, NSE had declared Karvy as a defaulter and expelled the brokerage house from its membership.
IIFL Securities and Axis Securities have won the bids to acquire demat and trading accounts of Karvy Stock Broking Limited, respectively.
On February 6, depositories NSDL and CDSL had said that trading as well as demat accounts held by Karvy will be transferred to another member or participant through a formal bidding process on the basis of laid down eligibility criteria.
Axis Securities wins the bid to acquire broking accounts of Karvy
It will help broking clients of Karvy to continue access to the securities market.
(Pradeep Gaur )Premium
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Axis Securities Ltd. has emerged as the successful bidder for trading accounts (broking accounts) held by Karvy with NSE, BSE, and MSE. The said transfer of trading accounts is subject to the remittance of the bid amount and submission of the necessary documents in relation thereto, Axis Securities said in a statement.
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. 03:45 PM IST
IIFL Securities has won the bid to acquire about 1.1 million demat accounts held by Karvy Stock Broking, while Axis Securities has emerged as the successful bidder for trading accounts (broking accounts) held by Karvy. These wins were part of a formal bidding process organised by the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), BSE, and MSE. This is to inform you that IIFL Securities has emerged as the successful bidder for demat accounts held by Karvy with NSDL and CDSL. The said transfer of demat accounts is subject to remittance of the bid amount and submission of the necessary documents in relation thereto, IIFL Securities said in an exchange filing.