a 42-year-old man allegedly killed his elderly friend in Rajasthan s Ajmer district. The incident took place at Jawaja in Ajmer district on March 30. The deceased has been identified as 65-year-old Daulat Singh. The police arrested the 42-year-old accused, Dilip Singh and his 32-year-old accomplice Karni Singh. , Crime News, Times Now
Her last rites will be performed with full royal honours on Sunday and the body has been kept at the Junagarh fort in Bikaner for people to have a last glimpse of her.
Delhi Traffic Police issued an advisory to avoid Mehrauli-Badarpur road to SurajKund today (October 28) due to a two-day ‘Chintan Shivir’ of the home ministers, during THESE hours reports PTI.