Siddaramaiah, 75, has become the Chief Minister for the second term after his earlier five-year stint in 2013. While Shivakumar, 61, who had earlier worked as Minister under Siddaramaiah, will continue as the party s Karnataka state president till the Parliamentary elections next year
To combat the Congress at any level, the BJP needs to strategise without being complacent and stop overloading the PM to sweep the magic of his popular image during electoral campaigns and also bring more fresh minds to its think tank
Karnataka CM News LIVE: Karnataka CM-designate Siddaramaiah and his deputy-to-be DK Shivakumar will be sworn-in at 12.30 pm on May 20 (today) at the Kanteerava Stadium in Bengaluru. At least 10-12 ministers are also going to be inducted into the Cabinet.