ONE Foundation was set up in 2018 with the mission to help entrepreneurs start, build, grow and scale their businesses in an environment like Nigeria.
“Small businesses are powerhouses of socio-economic development around the world,” Oluwatoyin Ajilore, founder of the Foundation, said.
“According to Nigeria Bureau of Statistics and PWC, MSMEs contribute 48% of national GDP while also accounting for 96% of the businesses and 84% of the employment in Nigeria. Despite, their significant role to the economy, 80% of MSMEs are reported to fail in the first 5 years.”
Ajilore said this, and her own experiences of multiple business failures, were the driving force for her to seek a way to systematically support entrepreneurs in the country.
Black History Month: Drexel Event Round-up February 1, 2021
February is Black History Month! Celebrate, discuss and learn at Drexel all month long with these special events. Sponsors include the Center for Black Culture (CBC), Student Center for Diversity and Inclusion (SCDI), LeBow College of Business, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, the College of Arts and Sciences (CoAS), Pennoni Honors College, Drexel s Black Alumni Council (DUBAC) and the Black Faculty & Professional Staff Association (BFPSA).
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. If anyone in the Drexel community would like their event added to this page, please contact Rachel Natbony at