Theres the heavy guns. This is a forgotten aspect of world war ii. There were real guns in france and heavy artillery. One of the body bearers is represented there. The field artillery, the forgotten branch, in many ways. These are men that were with, in most cases artillery pieces that moved up with the infantry. In some cases, they were in combat with the infantry. As they moved up and provided close artillery support, thats the infantry advanced, this is the story that is in the unknowns. General pershing is trying to be comprehensive in the way that he told the story of world war i through the eyes of these men. Then, of course, the extraordinary story of the tomb itself and how the unknown was selected. And i follow a chicagoan. A dough boy through the entire war. Younger was part of the second infantry division. An elite unit within the American Expedition theary forc and younger is there. Hes a dough boy. A regular grunt. A sergeant that fights from battle to battle. Hes wounded