The company's new program offers a look at works by a pair of contemporary, big-deal ballet makers, along with plenty of ideas to ponder on the way home, dance critic Iris Fanger reviews.
AECOM will work with the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) to address pollution and climate change under an Environmental, Analytical, Research, Technical & Hybrid (EARTH) contract.
The Boeing 747- 244Super B Combi service, from Taipei to Johannesburg, with 140 passengers and 19 crew members, had suffered a catastrophic incident over the ocean, east of Mauritius.
On June 13, 1942, after considerable debate within the U.S. government, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the Office of War Information, which was divided into a domestic branch and an overseas branch. From its headquarters in New York, the latter grew to include 40 outposts. London was the first, followed by Stockholm. This is the Stockholm story.