Campaign. Certainly sanders is rivering to the dnc and lawyers that hired gps to do research. As for the collusion with russia shes alleging there, thats anyones guess. Keep in mind when it comes to the president s claim that it is quote, now commonly agreed there was no collusion between his campaign and russia that is a matter of opinion. However its the line thats been coming from team trump for quite a while. The russia story is a total t fabrication. Did anybody in the Russian Campaign have anybody that was involved in the investigation . Of course no. Are there any ties between mr. Trump, you, the campaign and putin and the regime . No there is not. Theres no collusion between us and russia. Did anyone involved in the Trump Campaign have any contact with russians trying to meddle with the collection. Absolutely not. In the meantime, no collusion, no obstruction. So according to former trump members theres nothing to see here, and they may be right, its nothing that we or anyone e
Image A building at 3399 Buffalo St., Alexander, a former medical office, that has been the subject of a decade-long legal battle between the Village of Alexander and C&D Design, Build, Development, a
TEMPE – Mikey's League began in 2019 in memory of Mikey Bender, who passed away after losing a battle with cerebral palsy and a heart defect. The league teamed with KinectAbility and opened up doors for ability sports.
Mitglieder für 225 Jahre aktive Sängertätigkeit geehrt Bei seiner dritten Freiluft-Chorprobe ehrte der evangelische Kirchenchor Leihgestern vier langjährige Sängerinnen und Sänger für ihre langjährige Treue. Von ee Jetzt teilen: Jetzt teilen: LEIHGESTERN - 225 Jahre aktive Sängertätigkeit nahm der evangelische Kirchenchor Leihgestern zum Anlass, um bei seiner dritten Freiluft-Chorprobe vier langjährigen Sängerinnen und Sängern zu danken. Vorsitzender Lothar Rinker nahm die nachträgliche Ehrung vor und erinnerte daran, dass Ehrungen traditionell im Rahmen der Weihnachtsfeier erfolgen. Doch 2020 war ein so ganz anderes Jahr, mussten nicht nur Übungsstunden und Auftritte, sondern auch die Weihnachtsfeier aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie ausfallen.