February 15 2021, 10:42 am | BY Ricki Green | 1 Comment
The highly successful Dance for Sick Kids virtual fundraising event for Ronald McDonald House Charities returns this year during National Families Week 15th to 21st May, 2021. The popular initiative is supported by a national TVC produced by Swingtime Creative, digital and outdoor campaign launching on 15th February.
The campaign aims to raise money to help seriously ill kids and their families by attracting as many people as possible into this unique virtual community – from office workers to dance schools and families.
The commercials feature a volunteer cast including high-profile dancers Jarryd Byrne and Marko Panzic as well as TikTok star Jackson Jansen. They are joined by some of the seriously ill children and their families who have experienced first-hand the incredible support of the Ronald McDonald House Charities.