18 December 2020
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has today approved the independent core cooling systems implemented by the operators of the country s nuclear power plants. The operators were required to introduce such systems following the accident at Fukushima Daiichi. The systems were to be in place by the end of this year in order for the reactors to continue operating.
Oskarshamn unit 3 (Image: OKG)
All European nuclear power plants were required to undergo stress tests following the March 2011 accident at Japan s Fukushima Daiichi plant. Recommended safety improvements were drawn up through peer reviews of these stress tests.
In October 2014, SSM announced a two-stage set of upgrades it wanted to see at Sweden s operating nuclear power reactors. By 2017, all reactors were required to have independent systems to ensure power and water are available for emergency cooling for a period of 72 hours. SSM said this requirement could be met by means such as mobi