Cori Skall
JStew: For a change, I got this fairly quickly. But to be fair, I saw a different version of the photo that was slightly more revealing. So one could say I cheated, but I always just say that cheating is the gift that a person gives themselves. Hahaha. Actually, Mr. Burns said that on the Simpsons once, and I found it to be most selfish, and use it whenever applicable, hahaha.
Cori: Looking around for some inspiration, I decided I needed a little more coffee before I took on the challenge of finding something to photograph for our What s This Wednesday clue this week. So I reached for my trusty coffee carafe and it hit me. Looking down at it (I usually keep in on a little plastic kid s chair next to the desk in my home studio, so I can refill my cup with hot coffee during the show, and not have to run downstairs to the kitchen) I realized that the answer was staring me right in the face! And thus, this week s clue was born!