From FY 2001 to FY 2009, Congress appropriated $5.7 billion infunding for fire grants. Using panel data from 1999 to 2006 formore than 10,000 fire departments, this evaluation usesfixed-effects regressions to estimate the impact of fire grants onfour different measures of fire casualties: firefighter deaths,firefighter injuries, civilian deaths, and civilian injuries.
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In order to restore economic stability, policymakers must focus on restoring the institutional role of governing. Government can provide a stable environment for economic growth when it can be depended upon to maintain the stability of the currency, enforce and defend property rights, and provide oversight that assures private citizens that their transaction partners in the marketplace are held accountable.[1] This will allow market participants to begin putting their resources back to work in the areas where they are most beneficial.[2]
After decades of lecturing developing countries on how to emerge from economic crisis and stimulate economic growth through sound government policies, U.S. policymakers and some economists are throwing out all their advice during the first major crisis test. This is particularly true when it comes to advice on accumulating more and more debt.