william shakespeare. in the same class we studied shakespeare and it gave me a spark that became a life-long love. you never got frustrated with the language? that was part of the fun. i felt as an eighth grader that we could figure it out if adults could not figure it out. from an eighth grade girl, feeling smart is very important. very good. i went to a girls school, and it was really important. we were all made to feel smart and we could concur the world. and i used to love judy blume, and then david mccullough, a phenomenal author. my most favorite book is
they ve said they re not comfortable with the presumed nominee, not comfortable with perry or romney. the grassroots people have said we like a herman cain. we like a jon huntsman. to a certain degree a ron paul. this doesn t surprise me, not one bit. bottom line to all three of you. give me a yes no. do you think the straw poll will continue winning ways of predicting the gop presidential nominee. they did it three times, reagan, george h.w. bush and bob dole. no. no. robert? no. moving on. here we go. president obama and his new message on jobs. here it is. take off your bedroom slippers. put on your marching shoes. shake it off. stop complaining. stop grumbling. stop crying. we are going to press on. we ve got work to do. all right. that was last night at the congressional black caucus. you should have seen karen s
and you hear the what? we re having a conversation during the commercial, and we just got slipped when we came back from the commontial. i would say my english teachers are very important. all the way through high school i had very, very good ones. that s good. karen? eighth grade, i had team english in history and it was incredible because it gave you a love both of the english and the literature as well as the history and got me thinking. my grandparents. really? they fostered the nurturing environment to read and dream and had artwork throughout the house, and they encouraged me to look through the encyclopedia. i have to say that there was a teacher of mine that was a working professional and he had
plan for personal accounts as well. that s different from what rick perry and mitt romney were doing when they were going after each other on what was wrong with both of them saying about social security. you know, the idea that herman cain is out there and giving fiery speeches and proposing things. conservatives love him. people like that. i m curious the two of you, how much you think his success is due to the fact that they are just not pleased with the other candidates, karen sm. i think that s a big part of it. look at the dynamics of the debate. essentially romney and perry going after each other which left room for someone like herman cain and he kind of took it to have a great performance and do his things. he was comfortable and natural with the conversation. he made the healthcare issue personal when he was talking about his own experience. people like that. there was a mix of good business ideas, some personality in there. so i think it is that. grass tops people neve