INDIANAPOLIS – Decatur County Prosecutor Nate Harter is among a group of attorneys who recently accepted leadership positions with the Association of Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys.
December 16, 2020
(INDIANAPOLIS) – Huntington County Prosecutor Amy Richison has been elected president of the Association of Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc. for 2021.
Amy Richison
Richison was selected by Association members in a mail vote this year, replacing outgoing president Pat Harrington of Tippecanoe County.
Serving along with Richison on the slate of officers for the Association is Lee Buckingham (Hamilton County) who will serve president-elect, Rodney Cummings (Madison County) was elected as Vice-President and Ken Cotter (St. Joseph County) will be the Association’s new secretary/treasurer
Richison, who served as president-elect under Harrington in 2020, will serve a one-year term as president, starting in January. She has been the elected prosecutor in Huntington County since 2007, winning her fourth term in 2018.