sheldon adelson, this casino billionaire, in israel, this huge fund-raiser. and this guy, you know, is telling him what he s going to have to say, what he s going to have to do. it makes you wonder, does mitt romney really believe in all of this? i kind of disagree with karen on one point. i don t think that the conservatives are just figuring this out. i think they knew this all along. i think they never liked the guy. they don t trust the guy. they re just hoping that somehow, if he manages to make it to the white house, that they could have control over what goes on in the oval office. grover norquist has said that he s very confident that romney will take his orders. that s right! karen finney and keith boykin, thank you both very much for joining me tonight. thank you. thanks. the authors of the second amendment were not thinking of weapons that can fire 100 bullets in a minute, and that s why the new best hope for more restrictive gun laws is now coming from the supre
care. their people in israel are healthier than we are. there are better outcomes. so, again, if we could move in that direction, we might actually be a healthier country. so both from a substantiative perspective, as well as the political, this is a good idea. keith, to go back to a point that mike tomasky raises in his newsweek cover about romney being a wimp, that seems to be what many conservatives are actually relying on. they have said, look, we don t care what that guy thinks. we are going to give him orders, when he is in there, in the white house. we will control him because he s a wimp, because he doesn t think anything. yeah, he s sitting next to sheldon adelson, this casino billionaire from las vegas in israel at this huge fund-raiser and this guy, you know is telling him what he s going to have to say, what he s going to have to do. it makes you wonder, does mitt romney really believe in all of this? i kind of disagree with karen on one point. i don t think that the