The state Senate has again passed a bill that funds challenge grants for the state’s colleges and universities – despite pleas from one of the conference committee members to kill it.
Under the challenge grant program, for every $2 raised by a college foundation, the state would contribute $1, with the money going for scholarships.
SB 2020 contains language that forbids colleges from working with Planned Parenthood. NDSU has been working with the organization, by funneling federal grant money to that organization to develop sex education programs. The House added a penalty provision for colleges who may partner with the organization.
Sen. Karen Krebsbach (R-Minot), a member of the conference committee, urged the Senate to kill the bill.
One amendment is designed to end NDSU’s partnership with Planned Parenthood.
NDSU received a grant from the Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program funding through the federal Family and Youth Services Bureau. NDSU partners with Planned Parenthood to deliver that programming.
Some state lawmakers and Christian groups have called on NDSU to end that program. In 2019, 89 state lawmakers signed a letter, asking NDSU to refrain from working with Planned Parenthood. We have struggled with certain higher-ed institutions partnering with the nation s largest abortion provider, said the amendment s author, Sen. Janne Myrdal (R-Edinburg). She also organized the letter wring campaign in the 2019 Legislature.