karen, as in. this is nancy pelosi s mission accomplished tour, apparently. she s in denial about i think what happened on election day, and what it means to the democratic party, she s throwing a big party tonight in honor of all of the so-called accomplishments that voters rejected last tuesday evening. i think that the ego and delusion can be a toxic combination. bill: alan, going to the party. i didn t know i don t get invited. i m a liberal, more than i am a democrat and maybe that is why i didn t get the invitation, what did she say in the piece today, that was not true? she, you know, detailed the accomplishments and did the olive branch and talked about how she wanted to work with conservatives and i heard the same kind of outreach coming from the right, where they stalk about, our goal is simply to get bush out of office, and they haven t she writes they voted for jobs. they did. bill: where are they.
to businesses and tax breaks to 95% of working families and that happened under the obama administration and things you are saying sar being done and i guess you are supporting obama, glad to hear it. and yet, yet voters, overwhelmingly have historically repudiated what obama and pelosi have stood for and a lot of democrats, what few moderate pragmatic democrats are left in the house, i think are very concerned about, a minority speaker pelosi who will be in front of the camera every opportunity as the left use epithets and hurl names but i am not hearing any vision from the right. bill: all right. what is obama doing, i haven t heard anything new from republicans. bill: we thought it would be a good pairing and it turned out. back to your corners. all right, thank you, bill. bill: see you both in the a week, karen, alan, thank you. martha: she s shining in her golden years, the golden girl. is she getting a new job? wouldn t that be good? all right, who says that too
the u.k. and now is going back on the promise, that is one reason you see the huge outpouring of students in the street, bonfires in the streets, and we will continue to keep an eye on this unfolding, developing situation on the streets of london, right now. and we ll bring you back there, as news merits. bill: having a field day, aren t they. martha: sure are. bill: back in this country, now, and the fight for jobs goes on, after, quoted, a productive congress, the word from soon to be ex-house speaker nancy pelosi. she writes in part, u.s.a. todd, though they elected the majority in congress, americans did not vote for the special interests, they voted for jobs. democrats remain committed to fighting for the people s interests, not the special interests. they voted for jobs. alan colmes, host of the alan colmes radio show and fox news reand karen hanraty with the national republican committee. good morning to you. they voted for jobs.
bill: karen, ideas. here s an area i think democrats and republicans can come together. and that is, manufacturing jobs. we need to be a country that is building. president obama just visited india, a growing, thriving economy, and they need our equipment, our cranes, they need our tractors and they need our equipment and we should be building that in the u.s.s and we need better free trade agreements which we democrats refused that is why obama is in india, and spent the largest time there than any other country and you should applaud the trip he took to promote technology and the kind of jobs republicans and democrats can agree on that. and they need to free up those free trade agreements to columbia, south korea, and panama, so we can sell our goods to other countries, that are growing and thriving, but you are not going to create build more equipment in america, if you have cap-and-trade as a threat and greater taxes, and greater regulations, as a threat, alan. they k
are mott moving toward the proper sense of justice that we can get out of the process that we have now put together with these military tribunals. i am just floored by that statement, joan. your response. i m floored as well. although we should stop being floored, because they keep coming at us, ed, and we ve got to stand up. but seriously, eric holder can t say what the outcome is. it is true, it sounds like we ve got great evidence, it sounds like he would be convicted but that s the essence of our justice ses system. we can t only use it when we know it is going to give us the outcome we want. these people are running scared. we re doing the same thing on guantanamo. it is politic and it is really disturbing. let s bring in todd webster and karen hanraty. did the right wing bullet points go down the drain today with these miranda rights and now that you have this alleged