BETTY GREEN [call to sheriff s office]: I need to … get some information on my son.
BETTY GREEN: My daughter-in-law called this morning and said he was killed yesterday by a German Shepherd dog, the dog jumped up and grabbed his throat.
Ray and Dani Green with their German Shepherd, Jazzy. Indiana Court of Appeals
Dani had called other family and friends too, saying it was Jazzy – the couple s own pet – who had attacked Ray. Police drove out to check, but when they arrived, neither Ray nor Jazzy could be seen, and they say Dani seemed to be just going about her day.
Woman serving 60 years in prison for killing her ex-husband in 2014 blamed his death on their DOG before cops found his body in a metal toolbox riddled with 10 bullet wounds, documentary reveals
Decomposing naked body of Ray Green, 62, was found riddled with 10 bullets inside metal tool box on his ex-wife s property in Indiana in May 2014
Danielle Dani Green, then 42, initially said her German Shepherd, Jazzy, had killed her ex-husband by biting him on the throat
Dani, who participated in Cowboy Action Shooting where she was known by the moniker Dani Oakley, later admitted to shooting Ray but claimed self-defense
Autopsy showed Dani shot Ray once in the temple, four times in the back of the head and five times in the body while he was in bed