Bollywood star couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan on Sunday welcomed their secondchild, a baby boy. Kareena, who was admitted to the Breach Candy Hospital here, gave birth around 9 am. She has delivered a baby boy in the morning around 9 am. I ll be visiting them soon, Kareena s father, veteran actor Ra
Proud daddy Saif Ali Khan thanks well wishers for love and support as Kareena Kapoor welcomes a baby boy
As Kareena Kapoor Khan gives birth to a baby boy, Saif Ali Khan expressed his gratitude towards his fans and stated that mother and child are doing well. Written By
Ranpreet Kaur 888782 reads Mumbai Updated: February 22, 2021 03:52 pm Proud daddy Saif Ali Khan thanks well wishers for love and support as Kareena Kapoor welcomes a baby boy
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have all the reasons to be on cloud nine as they have become proud parents of a baby boy today. The Jab We Met actress, who is a mother of three year old son Taimur Ali Khan, gave birth to the baby in Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital and ever since the news of the arrival of the Pataudi prince has surfaced, wishes have been pouring in for the new parents and the baby. Overwhelmed with the love coming their way, the Nawab of Pataudi has releas
Taimur Ali Khan, who happens to be Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s first child, is among one of the most talked about star kids in Bollywood and everyone has been eager to know how did he react to the arrival of his baby brother.
What will Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan name second baby? Twitter guesses
What will Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan name second baby? Twitter guesses
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan became parents for the second time today. The actress gave birth to a baby boy.
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have become parents for the second time.
Kareena Kapoor Khan has given birth to a baby boy. While Saif and Kareena are celebrating the birth of their second child, netizens are already busy guessing the name of Kareena s second baby.
Earlier, a controversy had erupted over the name of Kareena and Saif s first child, Taimur Ali Khan. Twitteratti had contended that Taimur s name sounded like the name of a barbaric invader and this remained a subject of debate for quite some time.