Back in April 2021, Karan Johar removed Kartik Aaryan from his Dostana 2 amid the shoot citing professional reasons. Now, 2 years later, the two have patched up as Karan has announced a new film with the young star for Independence Day 2025 release.
The much-awaited third episode of Karan Johar s Koffee With Karan 8 will premiere midnight. Ahead of the Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Panday episode, the latter revealed being excited and scared.
Bollywood’s favorite filmmaker, Karan Johar, recently stepped in an incomparable shimmery suit, and we’re totally in love. Read on to take a closer look.
Shah Rukh Khan will not be joining this season of Koffee with Karan, contrary to the expectations. there is also a strong murmur of Sunny Deol being approached to join this season.
In an interview, Karan Johar opened up about his sexuality and stated how people used to make fun of him growing up. He also talked about how Shah Rukh Khan was the first man who made him feel comfortable about it.