Karamū High School head student, Lena Ormsby (Ngāpuhi, Tainui) has won the prestigious Ngā Manu Kōrero Te Matau a Māui Speech Competition for the third year in a row. The 17-year-old, who is in Year 13, says she is humbled to have taken out the Senior .
Past and present teachers, with more than 500 years between them at Karamu High School, gathered to celebrate their long service. The event on Friday was held to honour 21 teachers who have served more than 25 years. Nineteen of the group were .
Karamu High School is set to lift the curtain on the Hawke’s Bay premiere of its production of Freaky Friday. The production, which was released in 2018 and is a musical version of the novel Freaky Friday by Mary Rodgers and the Disney Films, .
A Karamu High School Science class experienced a Noho Marae as part of their learning Stepping outside of the classroom, a group of Karamu High School students was able to learn science in an authentic New Zealand context. The Noho Marae experience for .