Adoor Gopalakrishnan needs no introduction. One of the leading lights of Indian cinema, a man who has taken our films to the biggest platforms globally, the film-maker ushered in the new wave of Malayalam cinema in the 1970s, but in a career spanning five decades, has only made about a dozen feature films. But each film from the almost one-man Mammooty show in Mathilukal to Kathapurushan, which traces a metaphorical journey of 45 years, from Nizhalkuthu, that explores the recesses of the human consciousness to the striking monologue-film Anantaram has been discussed, debated, lauded and feted across the world. Nearly all of his films have premiered at Venice, Cannes and the Toronto International Film Festival, with the film-maker having won the National Award 16 times, and the Kerala State Film Awards 17 times.
Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Kerala’s claim to fame in world cinema, is 80
The internationally-acclaimed filmmaker who turned 80 on Saturday has been Kerala’s claim to fame in the world of parallel cinema movement.
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Cardinal Baselios Cleemis (R) visits Adoor Gopalakrishnan at the latter’s house at Cheruvakkal in Thiruvananthapuram on Saturday | VINCENT PULICKAL By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: “We shouldn’t ignore the fact that there’s a new crop of movies coming up in Malayalam which are mature and good attempts, signifying promising talent. We need to support such genuine cinematic ventures,” Adoor Gopalakrishnan had once shared his vision with TNIE of supporting budding young filmmakers in Malayalam through the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK).
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Great cameos could be the cherry on top, a bonus element of surprise for the audience before they leave their seats. Mollywood has never shied away from bringing in the big guns for short appearances and many such castings have earned the approval of viewers from across the spectrum. Here are some highly successful cameos that Malayalam movie lovers find hard to forget.
The Sreenivasan-Sathyan Anthikad collaboration handed Thilakan, one of Malayalam s finest character actors, undoubtedly the best comedy role of his career. Mohanlal is house owner Gopalakrishna Panicker, desperate to evict his tenants who are hell-bent on not leaving.