MUMBAI: Filmmaker Nagraj Manjule, known for films like 'Sairat' and 'Fandry', is set to direct a series titled 'Matka King', inspired by true events and the life of the Karachi-born Ratan Khatri, the |
Filmmaker Nagraj Manjule, known for films like Sairat and Fandry , is set to direct a series titled Matka King , inspired by true events and the life of the Karachi-born Ratan Khatri, the founding father of gambling in India.Set between the .
Set between the 1960s and the 1990s, the series will capture the culture of Mumbai's working classes of the '60s and '70s and will show how money moves
Filmmaker Nagraj Manjule, known for films like Sairat and Fandry , is set to direct a series titled Matka King , inspired by true events and the life of the Karachi-born Ratan Khatri, the founding father of gambling in India.
MUMBAI – Filmmaker Nagraj Manjule, known for films like Sairat and Fandry , is set to direct a series titled Matka King , inspired by true events and the life of the