Day One highlights
Microbiome through life: Exploring new science and commercial strategies from the first 1,000 days to healthy aging. The day features Francesco Asnicar, University of Trento; John Deaton, Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes; Jennifer Gu, AIDP, Inc; Lindsay Hall, Quadram Institute and the Technical University of Munich; David Kyle, Evolve BioSystems, Inc.; Stephen Lindemann, Purdue University and Nathan Price, Institute for Systems Biology and Onegevity Health.
Day Two will look at
New opportunities and developing ideas in the science and business of the microbiome and will feature experts such as Mariette Abrahams, Qina; Charles Budinoff, IFF; Noah Voreades, GenBiome Consulting; Paul Wilmes, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine; Mark Wright, Health Wright Products and Hariom Yadav, Wake Forest University