The Rishabh Shetty starrer and directed Kannada film Kantara has surely been the star product of Indian cinema this year. The movie which was made on a budget of Rs 16 crore has now garnered a whopping Rs 400.90 crore at the box office proving the importance of an astounding concept and master filmmaking.
Rishab Shetty s blockbuster film Kantara is now all set to start its OTT journey from November 24 on Amazon Prime. Kantara was released on September 30 and got a massive response from the audience for its storyline and amazing visuals. Kantara OTT Release: Rishab Shetty-Starrer Makes It OTT Debut, Film Streams on Amazon Prime Video From November 24.
Kantara has finally made its OTT debut on Amazon Prime today (November 24, 2022). Soon after, social media was abuzz over changes made by the makers to the climax portion of the film.
kantara ott release date: Director Rishab Shetty's Kantara is a roaring box-office hit. The film was released on September 30 (in Kannada) and October 15 (in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil). Movie buffs have showered Rs 400 crore plus on the film at the worldwide box office. And they are waiting to watch it again on OTT. The film's digital rights have been bought by Amazon Prime